Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Glycerine Ch 25 teaser

OMFGGG I am SO FREAKING FAIL. I have struggled with this chapter. I have deleted over 2k of the chapter and then started over again. I want it to be perfect because, this is it, ya know? Anyway, what I have isn't super teaser worthy, but I gotta give y'all something. So below are the gifs that just SCREAM Glycerine ExB to me. And then below that, is a little sumphin sumphin more. I have about 80% of the chapter finished. I promise you won't have to wait much longer, but I love you all SFM for being patient with me. Same rules apply, not beta'd subject to the fiery pits of hell, yada yada yada. 

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”

“Stop being such a baby. It’s just dinner and a movie with James and Vic.” Bella rolled her eyes and pushed her phone into her back pocket.

Edward dropped his head to the back of the couch and covered his eyes with his forearm. “Exactly. Your brother that hates me and Victoria who seems to take as much pleasure in torturing me as you do.”

“James doesn’t hate you. He doesn’t particularly like you, but he’ll come around.”

Edward peeked out from under his arm and cocked a brow. “And Vic?”

“That’s just her way of letting you know she likes you. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t waste her time talking to you.” Bella waved him off with a flick of her wrist.

“Oh? Is that why you do it? Is that your way of showing me you like me?”

“Among other things.” Bella grinned.

“Why don’t you come over here and show me those other things. That sounds much more intriguing than dinner and some lame ass movie.”

“You’re not going to see any of those other things if you don’t move your ass.” Bella crossed her arms under her breasts and pushed them together. She knew how much cleavage her top revealed and she wasn’t above using it against him. As much as she tried to pretend having dinner with James and Vic wasn’t a big deal, it really was important to her.

She knew that Edward would never be a guy who made an effort to befriend new people. He’d been burned to the core, by his own family and the people he trusted most. But she wanted to show him that not everyone was out to hurt him. Not everyone wanted something from him. She wanted him to see that people could like him just for him. Even if he was an asshole most of the time, it worked for him. It was part of his charm. One of the many reasons she loved him.

Edward’s eyes lingered on her chest. When he lifted his gaze to hers, he was met with the sight of her self-satisfied smirk. “You don’t fight fair.”

“I never claimed to. Now come on. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can come back and I can show you those other things.” Her suggestive tone made Edward’s muscles tighten.

“I like the sound of that.”

Holding out her hand, she wiggled her fingers at Edward. With a resigned sigh, he reached out and took her hand. Threading their fingers together he pushed off the couch and pulled her against him. He lifted his free hand and cupped her neck, coaxing her to tilt her face to his.

“Kiss me, Ivy.”

Monday, September 9, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 24 teaser

not beta'd, subject to edits yada yada yada...

“What are you thinking about so hard?” Bella asked, her arms wrapping around his waist from behind. She pressed her cheek against his back and breathed deeply, her body sinking into the comfort of relief as she solidified that last night was not a dream. Edward covered her arms with his hands and squeezed.

“I was just trying to figure out if I had enough time to snoop through your shit before you woke up. Looks like you ruined that plan.”

“You wouldn’t snoop through my shit,” Bella scoffed, her arms tightening around his waist.

Looking over his shoulder, he smirked. “The fuck I wouldn’t.”

“You’re such a dick.”

“This is not news.”

Bella tried to pull away, but Edward tightened his grip. Keeping her arms secured, he spun around and trapped her hands to his chest. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m going to burn all the shit I don’t want you to know about. Some things just aren’t meant for others to see.”

“Quit lying. You’re not going to burn anything. You’re going to move it and hope I buy your line of bullshit. Don’t play a playa.”

“You’re not gangster. Stop. And are you going to let that coffee sit there all day, or are you going to actually drink some?”

“I don’t know if I should. How old it is anyway?”

“I can’t fuck up coffee. Well, I don’t always. Just general cooking.”

“Speaking of, I’m starving. I know better than to ask if you have anything to eat. And since Victoria just left here, I can assume that James isn’t at home whipping something up.”

Bella’s face paled. “Vic was here?"

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Watch Me Burn BPOV teaser

Not beta' guys asked for this...crazy betches.

Silence swelled around me when she hesitated. My heart lodged in my throat and I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t want to. I didn’t care if I ever did again if her answer was what I thought it would be. I’d always prided myself on being a strong person. I always thought I could face any obstacle, overcome anything life threw at me. I was a fool. Because this was breaking me. It had broken me.


“Oh, God,” I choked, tears stinging my eyes, breaking free and sliding down my cheeks. “No. Please, no.”

“I can’t say for certain yet, but the dark masses are still visible.”

“Why? Why are they still there,” I cried. “After everything...they’re supposed to be gone. Why is this happening to me? What did I do?”

“Bella, this isn’t your fault. You can’t blame yourself.”

“Then who do I blame?” I screamed, my body wracked with sobs as my hands slammed on the table. “Do I blame God? He’s supposed to love me! Did I fail him? Did I not measure up to his expectations?”


“No,” I spat. “Don’t say anything else. Your platitudes mean nothing to me. I have been through hell. You have cut out parts of me and you have burned my organs. You have infected me with poison and you have injected me with every drug known to mankind. I don’t care how sorry you are. You were supposed to fix me. I don’t give a fuck that you can’t guarantee anything.” I pressed my hands to my chest and looked at her through blurry eyes. “Why can’t you fix me? Please, God, why? Why can’t I be fixed? I just want to be normal. I want to be a woman. Having children is the most basic act of being a female. Why can’t I have that. Why?”

“If you want to talk to someone I can recommend―”

“No! I don’t want to talk to anyone! I don’t want to be broken. I want to be me. How can I tell him? How can I tell him that I can’t give him children?” I jumped from the table and clutched the paper gown around my waist. “Fuck this and fuck you. Fuck God, too. All of you can go to hell. Get out. Let me have some dignity. It’s the only thing I have left.”

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 23 teaser

Hello lovelies!! Thank you so much for your patience while I've been traveling and writing oneshots for a couple of contests. I promise to have the next chapter out soon! In the meantime here is a snippit of the next chapter. It's not beta'd and all mistakes are mine.

“Every time I think we’re through, I turn around and there you are. What do you want from me? What is it you think I can give you? Because what you see it what you get, and if that wasn’t enough before, it’s not going to be enough now.”

Edward slid his hands over her bare thighs, his fingers wrapping around her skin and anchoring her to him. His eyes were the softest Bella had ever seen. "You said to me once that you hoped I'd be able to find someone I could let in. Someone I could trust." He shook his head and leaned forward, raising one hand to cup the back of her neck while the other cradled her jaw. "I don't need to look for someone. I've already found her. I just want you, Ivy. You're so much more than enough. You're everything."

“Edward.” Tears welled in Bella’s eyes and her lips trembled as she clutched his wrists. “Don’t say things you don’t mean. Please don’t break my heart. Not again.”

“I don’t want to break your heart, baby. I want to fix us. Will you let me try? Will you let me explain why I acted the way I did? It’s not an excuse, but I’m asking for your understanding. I’m asking for a chance. Just a chance. When I’m done, if you want me to go I’ll go. I’ll leave you alone.”

Edward’s jaw clenched and his grip tightened as his eyes drifted to the floor. His lips pressed into a thin line and he shook his head as the thought of walking away from her settled in his mind, in his chest. “You know what, fuck that. I won’t walk away. I’ll fight. I won’t let you give up on me. On us. I need you to understand. I need you to forgive me. Because being without you has been worst experience of my life. And I’m not going to feel that way ever again. Not without a fight.”

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 22 teaser

Not beta'd. I've been drunk while writing most of this chapter. Obviously, it needs Ooza. Don't judge me. This chapter is hard.

“Mr. Cullen,” the reporter asked. “What was your favorite or most memorable part of filming?”

Bella’s fingers tensed around her wine glass as she waited for him to answer. His face was relaxed and a smirk tugged at the side of his mouth. He laced his fingers around his knee and cleared his throat before speaking.

“Well, they’re actually the same. My favorite and most memorable part of filming was on location in Arizona.”

Bella’s throat bobbed as murmurs echoed around the room. “Why Arizona?”

Edward shrugged and gave the reporter a lazy grin. “There was a lot of privacy in Arizona. I was able to act like a normal person without being harassed or having cameras shoved in my face. I remember the first day we were given a day off. I went to these falls I’d found when I arrived. I spent the entire day there completely undisturbed.” His eyes flicked to the camera and for a moment Bella felt as though he was looking directly at her. It was as if he could see her face as clearly as she could see his. He turned his attention back to the reporter and with a serious expression he said, “It was one of the best days of my life. I loved every moment I was there.”

Voices rose in the back of the crowd until one finally overpowered the others. “How can you say that was the best part of filming?” someone jeered. “Esme wasn’t even there.”

With a bored expression, Edward looked blankly toward the back of the room. When he answered his voice was dull, flat. “Exactly.”

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 21 mini tease

HEY YO!!! Here's a little mini tease for you guys. As always, not beta'd, subject to editing, yada, yada, yada. ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIDNIGHT COUGAR!!!!!!

“What the fuck,” she whispered into the empty room. She was almost afraid to open the text, afraid to see what he could possibly have to say after two months of silence. But her fear quickly disappeared and was replaced with a flutter of anticipation. Over the last two weeks, not a single picture of Edward had been released. She thought she’d be grateful for the reprieve, but it turned out to be the opposite. The only thing that hurt more than constantly seeing Edward’s face splashed across every magazine cover in print, was not seeing it at all.

Full of trepidation, she opened his text. Her brows dipped in confusion as she read it once, and then once more. She opened and closed her mouth several times before an uncontrollable laugh burst from her chest. The sound of her laughter bounced off the walls as her eyes pinched at the corners and a wide smile spread across face. She felt light and carefree, lost in the memory of another time and place.The memory only played in her mind for a moment before she was grasping the front of her shirt and her laughter morphed from gasping breaths to choking sobs. Pressing her phone over her heart, her shoulders curved inward and her jaw clenched as she tried to relieve the tightness in her chest and stinging in her eyes.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 19 Teaser

Hi you guys!!! Happy Mother's Day!
Not beta'd lalala y'all know the drill!

Convinced his mind and body were just telling him he needed sleep, he pushed himself off the couch and walked to the bedroom. Stripping down to his boxers, he didn’t bother to shower before falling face first on the bed. He wrapped his arms around the pillow and breathed deeply. He knew it wouldn’t smell like her, nothing did anymore. Her scent had faded from his sheets and clothes. His hands would no longer smell like her hair after he’d gripped it tightly as he pushed inside of her.

"Can I have you?"

“No,” he whispered into the empty room as the vivid image of her pinned under him burned behind his eyes.

"You can have me."

“Stop.” His plea was choked and he swore he felt the heat from her skin searing into his.


“Fuck.” Salty liquid leaked from the corner of his eye as he buried his face into the pillow and clenched his jaw.


“You lied.” His words were thick and broken, barely intelligible as his body finally succumbed to the sleep he so desperately craved.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 17 Teaser

Not Beta'd blah blah blah.

Edward pushed up from the couch, and walked to his front door as a courier pulled up his driveway. He didn’t remember ordering anything, but it was probably something Jason had sent for him to look over. Rolling his eyes at the gawking boy in front of him, he signed for the package and shut the door in his face.

He flipped over the large manila envelope, that was unmarked except for his name printed across the front. Unfastening the top he reached inside and pulled out a magazine. The color drained from his face as he read the headline across the cover. Dropping the magazine, he ripped open the envelope to see if anything else was inside. There was no note, no return address, nothing. He bolted for his front door and yanked it open, but the courier was already down the drive and pulling onto the street.

“Fuck,” he exhaled. Running a hand through his hair, he turned back inside and retrieved the magazine off the floor. After sucking in a heavy breath, he flipped through the pages until he found the article, his heart hammering in his chest as he read the headline a second time.

He’s In Love With A Stripper?

No, not T-Pain. It seems Hollywood’s playboy, Edward Cullen, is back to his old tricks. A source has revealed exclusively to OK! magazine the details of Hollywood’s latest scandal.  “Edward’s been cheating on girlfriend and co-star Esme Platt, with a stripper who goes by the name Ivy.”

Oh no he didn’t!!

“They’ve been seeing each other secretly for quite some time,” the source divulged.  “Esme’s beside herself.”

The relationship was discovered after a series of text messages between the secret duo were released. “The texts were of a very explicit and intimate nature. Jealousy is more than likely the motivating factor for the release of these private exchanges. Obviously, the mysterious Ivy is  less than pleased with the budding romance developing between Edward and Esme.”

So what what will become of the new It couple?

“Esme is a very understanding woman. She also cares deeply for Edward. They’ll get through this.”

So who is this mystery girl? And will she destroy Hollywood’s newest golden couple before they  can begin?

Stay tuned for the latest news!

Edward tightened his hands around the edges of the magazine, before ripping it in two and sending the the pages fluttering to the ground. His nostrils flared and his chest heaved as anger and betrayal swelled inside his chest. With clenched fists and a taut jaw, he snatched up his keys and stormed out the door. In a red haze, he climbed into his car and peeled out onto the road, his mind focused on one destination. One person.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 16 teaser

Not beta'd lalala. I bet y'all don't even read these notes up here. Sighhh, I'm shooting for a Friday update, but I can't make any promises. I'll do my best! 

Bella jumped when her phone rang. Her brows dipped in confusion when Victoria’s name flashed on the screen. Muting the volume of the television, she grabbed her phone off the table.


“Bella, is Edward there?” Victoria’s voice sounded off, edgy and panicked.

“No. Not yet. What’s going on?”

Victoria fell silent before pulling in several deep breaths. “Have you seen the pictures?”

Bella shook her head. “No. I―I’m not so sure it’s a good idea. Not after yesterday.”

“Did Edward tell you anything about last night? Where he went after the club?”

“Not in detail," Bella answered, a frown pulling at the corners of her mouth. "I know he never went home last night. He said he was with Carlisle. That’s why he looked like shit this morning. Why?”

“Ah fuck,” Victoria choked, her voice shaking. “Can you come home? Please?”

Bella’s throat tightened and her heart began to race when Victoria's voice broke. She only ever sounded like that when she was on the verge of tears. “Why?”

“I don’t want to talk about this over the phone. Please, Bella. You just gotta trust me.”

“Vic, tell me what this is about. If it’s the pictures from last night―”

“Not last night,” Victoria interrupted. “Just come home. I’ll tell you then.”

Bella gripped her knee and squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m not going anywhere until I know what’s happened. Just tell me. If it’s not last night, then...” Bella’s voice trailed off as realization hit her like a bucket of ice water.


“This morning. There are pictures from this morning, aren’t there?” 

The deafening silence that followed caused a choked sob to rip from Bella’s throat.
Tears spilled down her cheeks as Victoria's nonverbal conformation cracked and splintered something inside her chest . “He―he wasn’t with Carlisle, was he?”


Bella’s nose burned and her chin quivered as she rocked forward. She pressed her forehead against her knees and wrapped an arm around her middle. “Please don’t tell me he was with her. Please.” Her voice was no more than a broken whisper as she begged for an answer she knew Victoria couldn't give.

“I’m sorry.”
*UPDATE* Animated Teaser by RoseArcadia:
 photo Glycerine.gif

Monday, March 18, 2013

Glycerine Ch15 mini tease

Hey guys!! Thank you SO much for your patience. The chapter is done and with my beta, but I thought I'd drop you a little extra something while we wait. As always, it's not beta'd, subject to editing yada yada yada!


“C’mere.” He pulled her hands over the top of his thighs and leaned forward. “Listen to me. I told you I’m not perfect. I’m going to fuck up. But I also told you I want to be with you. Just you. You―” Edward blew out a harsh breath and squeezed his eyes shut. There were so many things he wanted to tell her. About himself, about how she made him feel, but it was almost as if there was something physically blocking the words from escaping. His mind and heart were trapped in a steel vault and the door had been welded shut. Set in place to protect him from ever getting hurt again. “Can’t you see that you mean something different to me?”

“Different from who? From what?”

Edward lifted his hands to her jaw and tilted her face until she was looking directly at him. “Everything.”

Bella eyes fell shut and her shoulders slumped. “I just want this to be over. I want her out of our lives.”

Edward nodded and swallowed hard. It was now or never. “I’ll talk to Jason. Let him deal with Aro, see what can be done, okay?”

“You’ll do that? Tell them you want out?”

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 15 Teaser


“Why? Why would you go there? What the fuck were you thinking?”

All of the air left Bella’s body in one angry exhale. “Are you kidding me right now? You think I wanted to see that? Are you out of your mind? They called me there to get Esme’s torn costume. I had no fucking clue. None.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Edward’s voice was low as he tried to calm her. The last thing they needed were people poking around outside of her office. He cupped her jaw and the moment he did, all Bella could see was him with Esme. When he dipped his head and pressed their lips together, her senses were assaulted with the smell and taste of Esme. It was too much. Everything was too much.

“Stop,” Bella choked and pushed him away. “Don’t. Don’t fucking kiss me.”

Edward shook his head and batted her hands away from his chest as he pressed them together again. “You stop, god damn it.”

“You fucking smell like her, Edward. You taste like her. Oh, my God.” She wiped at her lips with the back of her hand, trying to scrub away the smell of Esme’s fruity lip balm.

“Stop fighting me, Ivy.” Edward locked his arms around her. His grip bordered on the edge of pain as he trapped her body between him and the desk. She pushed him once more before going stone still. Were it not for the tremble starting to shake her entire body, he would have thought she was frozen.

“Are you―” Bella gasped. Her voice broke as a shot of rage caused the hairs on the back of her neck to rise. With more force than either of them expected, she slammed her arms into his chest and sent him flying into her door. She dropped her eyes to the front of his pants and when she spoke again, everyone in the building had the potential to hear her. “Are you mother fucking hard?”

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 14 Teaser

All standard excuses apply. Not beta'd lalala...

“Rough day?” she asked casually, her face a mask of indifferent innocence.

“Fuck off.” He kept his eyes focused on Seth, who took a hard blow to the chest and fell onto his back. For once he wished he didn’t have a stunt double. Then he could be the one in the action and feel the pain of being punched in the gut. He couldn't imagine it hurt any more than he what he already felt.

“You know, you don’t always have to be so hateful.” The tears stinging Esme’s eyes weren’t for show, and the tremble of her chin couldn’t be controlled. “I’m not the enemy here.”

Edward cut his eyes to Esme when her voice broke. He didn’t give a fuck that she was upset, it was because of her after all that he was in the position he was in. His mind flashed to Bella and how her voice broke the same way the last time they’d spoken. With a shrug and an insincere apology he brushed her off. “You’re not my ally either.”

“I could be. I could be a lot of things if you’d just let me in.”

Bella's words crashed through his mind, ‘let me in or let me go.’ Edward’s lips thinned into a hard line and he pulled in a deep calming breath through his nose. He'd caused a big enough scene already. “I think your involvement in my life has caused enough problems.”

Esme’s eyes widened. “Edward if you’re seeing someone, and our relationship is causing problems, just tell me. I can talk to her. I’m sure I can make her understand.” The words burned like acid and tasted of bile as they fell from her lips. She only wanted to make one thing understood: no one had a chance in hell against her.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 13 teaser

Not Beta'd subject to all the edits!!!!

Edward stepped closer to Esme and traced her jaw with his finger. Leaning down he let his lips brush her ear as he spoke. “Maybe I like watching you squirm. Maybe I want to have you so worked up that when I finally do touch you, I’ll have you a panting mess within seconds.”

Esme pulled in a shaky breath as her eyes drifted shut. “I don’t think it would take much now.”

Edward smirked and stepped back. He raked his eyes over her body before meeting her gaze. “I don’t suppose it would. But I think I can do better.”

Esme shifted and it wasn’t hard to miss the way her thighs clenched together when she did. Her eyes were heavy and her lips were parted as she tried to work through the fog in her brain. To make sense of what he was saying. She still wasn’t sold he was telling her the truth, but she wasn’t going to deny that it didn’t take much for him to derail her thoughts.

“I don’t know that you can.”

Edward tsked and dipped his chin, staring pointedly at the place he knew she wanted him most. “Why don’t you go ahead and take care of that. But be sure to think about me. Although we both know it won’t come close to comparing.”

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Glycerine Ch 12 Teaser

Not beta'd. Subject to deleting, setting on fire, and any other forms of  destruction. Also, no they did not get dunk and run off to Vegas to get married. I just like this picture. 

“Don’t start this shit tonight, Bella. I’m here with you, no one else.”

“Yeah, you are. I’m still waiting for you to tell me why that is. Because every time I ask, you deflect. You’re worse than a politician.”

“I was class president in high school.”

Bella rolled her eyes and lifted her arms into the shape of a field goal post. “He shoots, he deflects, but he sure as hell isn’t going to score.”

Edward chuckled and wrapped his arm around her waist.  Tugging until she was on her side facing him, he looked into her eyes, his face serious. “Bella. You know football?”

“Ugh,” she groaned, trying to pull free from his hold.

But Edward only tightened his grip, his chuckle turning into a full laugh. “Okay, okay. Stop before you hurt yourself.” He waited until she stopped squirming before he spoke again, and this time there was no playful undertone to his voice. “Bella, I don’t have answers to the questions you’re asking. You’re stubborn and short tempered. You disagree with me―even if you secretly agree―just to piss me off. You don’t believe a word I say, and you call me asshole more than you call me by my name. But for whatever reason, I like having you around. Maybe Victoria is right, maybe I am fucked up.”

“If you’re trying to make me feel better, your failure is epic.”

“I just basically insulted you about ten different times, didn’t I?”

“More or less. You’re going to be able to add that I hit you to your list if you keep talking.”

“See.” Edward sat up in the bed and pulled Bella with him. He grabbed her shoulders and gave her a light shake. “That’s my point exactly. We’re terrible. Who the fuck would put up with either of our bullshit? And here we sit, being complete assholes to each other, and neither one of us has made a move to leave.”

“Well, technically this is my house so I’m not going anywhere. I’m also pantless.”

Edward dropped his hands to her thighs and brushed his fingers over her skin. “Yeah, you are pantless.

Bella rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers in his face. “Focus asshole.” Edward grabbed her wrist and bit down her fingers causing a small grin to tug at the side of her mouth. “So to recap, we basically suck at being a couple.”

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 11 teaser

Y'all know the drill. Not beta'd lalalala

“Esme.” He smiled and shifted away from Bella. His eyes focused on the beautiful girl in front of him.

Esme flicked her eyes briefly to Bella before dismissing her. Wrapping her arms around Edward’s neck she planted her lips against his. “I have been waiting since the day I heard you resumed this role to do that.”

“Have you now?” Edward chucked, his hand sliding to her waist and pushing slightly, wanting to create a bit of distance between them.

“Oh Edward,” Esme laughed, playfully hitting his stomach. ‘You know the only reason I took this role was to have dirty sex scenes with you.”

Edward grinned and gripped her a little tighter, unaware that the color had drained from Bella’s face. “Well, I’ll do my best not to disappoint.”

Bella swallowed around the lump in her throat and stepped to the side. She felt like an outsider suddenly and she wanted nothing more than to escape the sick feeling twisting in her stomach. Unfortunately, slipping out the door and away from Esme and Edward did nothing to relieve her tension, because neither seemed to notice she’d left.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Glycerine Ch10 Teaser

All errors are mine, not beta'd lalala

Hopping off the bed she crossed the room and dug through her bag before spinning and tossing a granola bar on Edward’s bare chest. “This is neither stale nor nasty. Dinner is served.” She bowed at the waist and swept her arm out wide with a flourish.

“Doesn’t it get exhausting?” Edward ripped the wrapper from the granola and took a bite from the end.

“Does what get exhausting?”

“Being such a smart ass all the time.”

Bella moved to the bed and snatched the granola bar from his fingers before he could protest. Breaking off a huge piece, she popped it into her mouth and shrugged. “I don’t know, does being an asshole ever get exhausting for you?”

“I’m not an asshole.”

“And I’m not a smart ass.”

“You’re impossible.” Edward huffed out a breath and snagged what was left of the bar from her hand.

”It seems we at least have that in common.”

“We gotta start somewhere, right?” Edward tugged on her arm, pulling her to sit beside him on the bed. He wasn’t normally a touchy-feely guy, but he’d been denied time and time again when it came to touching her, and he’d be damned if he would pass up the chance now.