Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Glycerine Chapter 14 Teaser

All standard excuses apply. Not beta'd lalala...

“Rough day?” she asked casually, her face a mask of indifferent innocence.

“Fuck off.” He kept his eyes focused on Seth, who took a hard blow to the chest and fell onto his back. For once he wished he didn’t have a stunt double. Then he could be the one in the action and feel the pain of being punched in the gut. He couldn't imagine it hurt any more than he what he already felt.

“You know, you don’t always have to be so hateful.” The tears stinging Esme’s eyes weren’t for show, and the tremble of her chin couldn’t be controlled. “I’m not the enemy here.”

Edward cut his eyes to Esme when her voice broke. He didn’t give a fuck that she was upset, it was because of her after all that he was in the position he was in. His mind flashed to Bella and how her voice broke the same way the last time they’d spoken. With a shrug and an insincere apology he brushed her off. “You’re not my ally either.”

“I could be. I could be a lot of things if you’d just let me in.”

Bella's words crashed through his mind, ‘let me in or let me go.’ Edward’s lips thinned into a hard line and he pulled in a deep calming breath through his nose. He'd caused a big enough scene already. “I think your involvement in my life has caused enough problems.”

Esme’s eyes widened. “Edward if you’re seeing someone, and our relationship is causing problems, just tell me. I can talk to her. I’m sure I can make her understand.” The words burned like acid and tasted of bile as they fell from her lips. She only wanted to make one thing understood: no one had a chance in hell against her.


  1. i'm going to cut this bitch.

    into little pieces.

    and throw them into the hudson.

  2. I still have the shovel ready for the bitch!!!!!
