Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Glycerine Ch 25 teaser

OMFGGG I am SO FREAKING FAIL. I have struggled with this chapter. I have deleted over 2k of the chapter and then started over again. I want it to be perfect because, this is it, ya know? Anyway, what I have isn't super teaser worthy, but I gotta give y'all something. So below are the gifs that just SCREAM Glycerine ExB to me. And then below that, is a little sumphin sumphin more. I have about 80% of the chapter finished. I promise you won't have to wait much longer, but I love you all SFM for being patient with me. Same rules apply, not beta'd subject to the fiery pits of hell, yada yada yada. 

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”

“Stop being such a baby. It’s just dinner and a movie with James and Vic.” Bella rolled her eyes and pushed her phone into her back pocket.

Edward dropped his head to the back of the couch and covered his eyes with his forearm. “Exactly. Your brother that hates me and Victoria who seems to take as much pleasure in torturing me as you do.”

“James doesn’t hate you. He doesn’t particularly like you, but he’ll come around.”

Edward peeked out from under his arm and cocked a brow. “And Vic?”

“That’s just her way of letting you know she likes you. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t waste her time talking to you.” Bella waved him off with a flick of her wrist.

“Oh? Is that why you do it? Is that your way of showing me you like me?”

“Among other things.” Bella grinned.

“Why don’t you come over here and show me those other things. That sounds much more intriguing than dinner and some lame ass movie.”

“You’re not going to see any of those other things if you don’t move your ass.” Bella crossed her arms under her breasts and pushed them together. She knew how much cleavage her top revealed and she wasn’t above using it against him. As much as she tried to pretend having dinner with James and Vic wasn’t a big deal, it really was important to her.

She knew that Edward would never be a guy who made an effort to befriend new people. He’d been burned to the core, by his own family and the people he trusted most. But she wanted to show him that not everyone was out to hurt him. Not everyone wanted something from him. She wanted him to see that people could like him just for him. Even if he was an asshole most of the time, it worked for him. It was part of his charm. One of the many reasons she loved him.

Edward’s eyes lingered on her chest. When he lifted his gaze to hers, he was met with the sight of her self-satisfied smirk. “You don’t fight fair.”

“I never claimed to. Now come on. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can come back and I can show you those other things.” Her suggestive tone made Edward’s muscles tighten.

“I like the sound of that.”

Holding out her hand, she wiggled her fingers at Edward. With a resigned sigh, he reached out and took her hand. Threading their fingers together he pushed off the couch and pulled her against him. He lifted his free hand and cupped her neck, coaxing her to tilt her face to his.

“Kiss me, Ivy.”


  1. be still my heart... loved the gifs, Liv! xo

  2. Awwwww I'm in full swooning mode here :)

  3. Hell Yeah!!! He still calls her Ivy. So perfect for them. I don't want it to end, so take you time Liv.

  4. I loved that "kiss me Ivy"...swoon....thanks !!

  5. You are right. The gifs are PERFECT! Love the teaser. Glad you got your writing mojo back!
