Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Glycerine Ch 6 Teaser

Merry Christmas!!!

Not beta'd.

Edward frowned as Bella stumbled through the door. He’d been ready to lay into her for being late, but something about her appearance stopped him. She looked...like shit.

“Are you sick?” His voice was harsher than he intended. He couldn't decide if he was angrier something was obviously wrong with her, or that the thought bothered him.

She glared at him through hazy, bloodshot eyes. No matter how unreasonable or misplaced her feelings were, she blamed him for her massive hangover. “Why do you care?”

Her tone immediately set him off. “I don’t. But if you’re sick, you should have the common courtesy to let the people around you know. I don’t need to pick up whatever you’ve infected yourself with.”

Bella opened her mouth, no doubt to offer him a reply just as snarky, when a wave of nausea washed over her. She reached for the wall, steadying herself as her vision blurred and her stomach churned. Edward was out of his seat and across the room before he even realized what he was doing. He wrapped his arm around her waist to hold her upright, his face scrunched with concern. “Hey,” he said. His voice was soft as his eyes darted over her face. He pulled her to his chair, his movements slow and cautious as he watched her face flush with color. “Bella, are you okay?”

She pushed against his chest in a weak attempt to get away from him, but her effort was obviously more about principle than actual discomfort. “No.” Her words were no more than a groan as she fell gracelessly into his chair.

The moment she spoke the smell of tequila hit the air. Edward pulled his head back in distaste, the familiar smell wiping any concern he’d felt. “Yeah,” he said. His voice was flat and clipped, as he stepped away from her. “Tequila’s a bitch.”

Bella pressed her palm against her forehead and squeezed her eyes closed. She spoke before giving any thought to how her words would be interrupted. “Maybe if I would’ve done my shots from between someone’s breasts, I wouldn’t feel so bad.”